Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New and Shiny Syndrome

courtesy of
I may have been a magpie in my last life, or possibly a crow or a raven.  But most likely I was a pack rat (we can discuss my clutter issues in a later post).   I am sure that one of these animals had to be my previous incarnation.  What else can explain my fascination with new and shiny??

I don't read fashion magazines, watch TV (although Netflix is my lover), and allow myself 10
minutes a day of radio news as I drive into work.  I am not a typical spoon fed American.  Also my new and shiny comes in the forms of health items, exercise videos, business opportunities, classes, teleseminars, so I do not have a lot of fancy clothing or tons of shoes...but the obsession for the next great thing plagues me.  I flit about from one great thing to the next and as a moth to the flame my exuberance dies almost as fast as it was ignited. (moth to human translation- a year or less)

Maybe God opened the heavens and spoke gently into my ear, perhaps a brief moment of clarity overcame me, or maybe my new twice daily meditation sessions (new and shiny #14 of 2013) helped me see the core of my being...but it dawned on me right as I was about to sign up for the latest sparkly opportunity that I don't need anything new.  Whoa, who spiked my green smoothie??

Moment of clarity:
Focus on what I am currently doing and do it with all my heart.
Everything I want I already have.
Quit looking for things outside of myself.
Let go of what does not serve me.
Incubate before I jump in.

I will always have many interests and pursuits and if I ever win the lottery we can just delete this post as I will sign up for every sparkly course, class and business opportunity that speaks to my heart.  But now I am going to scrutinize a bit more and I realize that I do not have to say YES to everything especially at the expense of other things I have said yes to.

SOOO, the question is:  Is blogging my newest shiny object?  Set your moth clock and stay tuned and see if I am here in a year :)

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