Sunday, November 17, 2013

Shrinking my body with Erin Stutland

I have a love hate relationship with exercise.

When I am in the zone I swear I will never stop exercising, but then I miss a day, then 2 days, then it could be months before I get my groove back.  Consistency has never been my strong point.  If I feel amazing while I do it, then why don't I continue?? I can't be the only one. Add some boredom and attention deficit disorder to the mix and it is a wonder that I ever move my bod.

Enter Erin Stutland's Shrink Sessions (aka The Stuart Smalley Exercise Routines)

What?? I have FINALLY found an exercise that I have yet to be bored of.   I have been doing Erin Stutland's Shrink Session at least 2x a week for 4 months and I haven't lost my zest and in fact, gained some. (plus muscle!)
I bought the program after a free 20 minute workout you can download on her site.  It is different than all of the videos I own (And believe me I could open my own exercise video store.  I own that many.) and it was tough!

What makes Shrink Sessions different from anything else I have tried?

I spend a lot of time in my head and I can be my own worst enemy.  Put that combo together and the broken record isn't of flowers and joy but often complaining about life, my body, etc.  I am a relatively happy person but once I started paying attention to what was REALLY going on in my head...well, something needed to between my ears as well as the expanding waistline!

So now, not only am a stronger and firmer (did I mention these are challenging?) but I have a rosier outlook. I have started a new business and let go of some fear that prevented me from living a bigger life.  I find that the mantras stay in my head and I am reminded of them when I need it most.  My clothes fit better and I am wearing favorite items (you know, the ones in BACK of the closet) that I haven't worn in years. So what are you waiting for?  You can try a mini Shrink Session for free on Erin's site.  Be sure to tell me what you think!  My waist has shrunk, my thighs have shrunk, but most importantly negative thinking has shrunk which I cannot say has ever happened with any other workout series.

Movement in your body means MOVEMENT IN YOUR LIFE