Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things I am Loving Right Now

I follow Jessica Ainscough's blog religiously.  This amazing Aussie cured herself of cancer using Gerson Therapy.  She is beautiful, passionate, and smart (and an inspiration to boot!).  I love when she posts things she is loving right now.  Maybe she borrowed it from Oprah's "my favorite things" and now I am borrowing it from her.  These are the things I am LOVING right now.

Tera Warner's WISH Summit (Women's International Summit for Health)

For 40 days and 40 nights, Tera gets down and dirty about health, wellness, women's issues, inspiration, business, nutrition and exercise.  You name it, Tera covers it.  Tera is a warm and witty firecracker and tells it like it is.  Tera interviews the Real Deals of the world.  I have laughed and cried and have had my eyes opened to things completely off my radar.  It is a bit more than 1/2 way through so you can still register.

My Tri Blade Vegetable Slicer

I am taking a raw food nutrition certification course and I am in love with zucchini pasta.  So nutritious and delicious.  My die hard meat eating boyfriend is sold and can't believe how filling vegetable pasta can be.  I use this baby at least twice a week.

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

I recently became a doTERRA distributor (shameless self promotion) and am blown away daily by
the multiple uses for essential oils.  I have used peppermint and lavender on my plantar fasciitis,
lemongrass and frankencense on a bulging disc (aging is great but brings all sorts of random maladies), digestzen on my dog's rumbly tummy, as well as wild orange to to start my day and lift my spirits.  I am not a fan of over the counter medicines and love that these oils are 100% natural, cost effective and have no side effects.

Edgar's Mission

Edgar's Mission is a non profit farm sanctuary in Australia. Cows, pigs, sheep, roosters, horses, goats
and every other farm animal you can think of that has needed rescue will live out their life happy and free.  For $45 a year you can sponsor an animal.  A great idea for classrooms, birthday and wedding presents.  I am in love with Ruby, the dog almost killed by her owner because although she is a herding dog, had no interest in herding.  In 2012, 2452 animals were given another chance at life.

Kale in my garden

How my kale survived the Montana winter is beyond me, but now it is spring and bragging in my barren garden plot is lovely, wonderful kale.  Yes, I drank the kool aid and am happily on the kale bandwagon.  So good for you and delicious.  If kale is still a mystery to you, maybe you haven't taken the time to massage it.  A wee bit of sea salt and olive oil and a loving touch will break down some of the fibers.  Kale chips are a must, but here is my absolute favorite kale recipe (it really is the recipe I love, but Dale Pinnock's Irish accent is icing on the gluten free cake...meeeoww)

Please share what you are loving at this moment.  I can't wait to hear about it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fall in Love with Fermentation, Veggie Style

Have you ever experienced the happy love feeling in your gut from eating homemade raw fermented veggies?  Believe me, once you have you will turn up your nose smuggly every time you pass the dead jars of kraut in your grocery store aisle.  Here are 10 reasons why making your own fermented veggies at home is a NO BRAINER.

1.  It is super easy.
2.  It is insanely inexpensive.
3.  It is chock full of nutrients and probiotics.
4.  It is LIVING food.
5.  It takes no special skills or equipment.
6.  It is better for your gut than probiotic pills.
7.  It is a great conversation starter when you bring it for lunch.
8.  It aids in digestion like no body's business.
9.  It is a cancer preventative.
10. It tastes so good your whole body sings in delight.

Unfortunately, I felt the need for perfection before I started.  I read and read recipes, techniques, and agonized over what could go wrong.  Yes, paralysis and theory before a smidgen of action (story of my life).  Thank god I received a swanky fermentation crock for Christmas.  The kraut gods were looking out for me.

After my first delectable batch, I realized what an idiot I had been.  Yes, even an idiot can make delicious fermented veggies.  Pretty sure there is an idiot's guide out there.

Don't wait for the crock!  All you need are veggies, salt, a sterilized jar, a plate to weigh down the 
contents and something else heavy to weigh that down and TIME.

Sandor Katz, author of Wild Fermentation, has a great basic sauerkraut recipe.  His book is wildly entertaining, informative and filled with historical facts.  It is my go to book on ferments.


Enjoy!  If you love making fermented foods 1/2 as much as I do, you will be one happy kraut lover.