Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March Madness, a year later...

I don’t need to reread my March Madness blog written just a short year ago. I still can remember my pain and anguish...feeling like a fraud (I am a health coach after all) and an out of control chumba wumba with my bar food compulsion.  Part of me embraced the event I look forward to the entire year but the bigger part felt as if I was swirling out of control, having a grand time on the outside yet full of self loathing on the inside.

What a difference a year makes.  Did I just eat an open faced burger on Texas toast, fries on top and smothered with special cheese sauce, bacon and scallions??? Yes, I did and I ate it all with gusto. Did Kentucky win at the last second granting them Final Four status as I devoured this deliciousness?  Why yes. And it was awesome.

Food and fun.  Sometimes they are inseparable.  But this year along with eating crap, I am cooking some pretty darn healthy recipes in between the games. (Serious girl crush on Food Babe right now)

I would like to say eating way healthier was a conscious choice, but it is quite the opposite-  eating bar food has been the conscious choice and I am relishing every moment of it.  I was reminded the other day of the saying, "If you treated your friends like you treat yourself, you wouldn't have any left."  Ha ha, so true.  Let the negative self talk end now.

I am enjoying my slow but steady journey into health.  Beating yourself up will get you nowhere and lasting change takes time, so be easy on yourself.  As I eat my pea and almond quinoa bowl, I can't wait to watch the Final Four at my local watering hole with a basket of the world's best wings and a pitcher of beer with my friends.
courtesy of


  1. I love that you brought up conscious choice. I think the awareness is so important. Make the choice and be okay with it. Don't weigh yourself down in guilt and self loathing. Appreciate the fact that you can make the choices that feel best for you, and honor that self knowledge. And as you did, ramp up the healthy and nourishing foods in between!

  2. Andrea, your honesty is so refreshing. I think when you mindfully choose to eat delicious, but, er, let's say...less-than-healthy grub you are honoring your body. As opposed to chowing down without any real sense of what you're putting in your mouth. Kudos to you for recognizing that for you, the Final Four and Wings go together like peas and carrots.
